Vice Admiral Andrew Burns CB OBE (Deputy Chair)

Deputy Chairman of the Royal Navy Club.

Bio to be added


Commodore Mike Walliker (Chairman of Trustees)

Mike Walliker is the Chairman of Trustees.

Commodore Mike Walliker retired from the Royal Navy in 2020 after a career spent mainly underwater.  He commanded two submarines and spent two years as “Teacher” before returning to the surface world in 2009, in command of HMS RICHMOND and as Captain ASW.

His last appointment was as Commander British Forces Gibraltar.  He is currently the Clerk to the Worshipful Company of Pewterers, lives in South Devon and in his spare time is finally attempting to improve his golf handicap.


Brian P Boxall-Hunt O.B.E. is the Secretary for the club.

Brian moved to the retired list in October 2005 after 35 years service as a Seaman, and Warfare, Officer and has been secretary of this ancient and auspicious club since 2015 whilst sharing his time working as CEO to the Royal Alfred Seafarers’ Society. His RN Club office is in the dining room of his family home in Crediton, Devon, and he is usually contactable there on Thursdays and Fridays, although monitoring emails and mobile phone all week. He considers it an absolute privilege to be secretary of a club which uniquely connects those who are qualified for, in command or have commanded at sea in the RN, and as a Club member himself is very much committed to sustaining it for the benefit of the membership.


Commodore’s and Captain’s Representative

Mike Beardall joined the Royal Navy in 1982 and served predominantly in Type 42s and the MoD. He was the last CO of the Type 42 Destroyer HMS CARDIFF and, as a Captain, the last UK CTG Iraqi Maritime. He became a Media Communications and Engagement specialist serving in NCHQ and the MoD.  Since leaving the RN in 2019 he has specialised in Media and Comms and is currently a Director of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity and the Digital Editor of the Naval Review. A cricket nut, he is also Chairman of the Broadhalfpenny Down Preservation Trust.



Commodore’s and Captain’s Representative

Tim Davey is currently the Captain Maritime Warfare School. Tim assumed command of HMS COLLINGWOOD and the Maritime Warfare School in October 2022.

Joining as a Warfare Officer in 1997 he has enjoyed the privilege of commanding at sea, including the Sandown Class minehunter, HMS BLYTH; leading the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures (MCM) Group 2 in the Black Sea and Mediterranean; and, as the Commander of the First MCM Squadron and the UK MCM Force afloat in the Arabian Gulf.

Most recently, he was in command as Captain Maritime Warfare Centre, part of the RN’s Operational Advantage Centre, and responsible for the delivery of the Royal Navy’s warfighting tactics and doctrine in support of frontline operations. 

Lieutenant Commander Dan Briscoe

Lieutenant Commander’s Representative

Dan joined the Royal Navy in 2007 and following initial training he deployed in HMS SOMERSET into the Mediterranean and in HMS GLOUCESTER to the South Atlantic. He was then selected to be the Flag Lieutenant to Commander United Kingdom Maritime Forces, deployed into Somalia as part of Op ATALANTA. More recently he joined the United Kingdom Carrier Strike Group as the Deputy Staff Operations Officer, generating for and completing the UK’s first operational Carrier Strike deployment, Op FORTIS. 

Having commanded HMS BANGOR and HMS PEMBROKE Dan is currently in command of HMS CHIDDINGFOLD.

Lieutenant Commander Gemma Britton

Lieutenant Commander’s Representative

Joining in 2006, Gemma has spent the majority of her career in T23 Frigates deploying to the Middle East, South and North Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Between T23 appointments, she enjoyed a period as a Navigation Instructor in HMS COLLINGWOOD, where she also qualified as a Specialist Navigator and was selected to Command both HMS EXPRESS and Wales URNU.  Selected for Command again, after a period in FOST and on maternity leave, she has now commanded HMS HURWORTH and HMS MIDDLETON, with maternity leave between the two. She is currently commanding HMS LEDBURY.


Commander’s Representative.

Richard Goldstone is a retired Commander having left the Royal Navy in Nov 2021 after 31 years of Service. He commanded Her Majesty’s Ships Middleton and Hurworth and also served Commander of the United Kingdom Mine Counter Measures Forces in command of the 2nd Mine Counter Measures Squadron. His final position was as Officer in Command of the Warfare Training Group.

He is currently works for BAE Systems as a Business Development Executive in Combat Management Systems.


Commander’s Representative.

Mark Headley is a serving Commander and is currently working in Security Policy and Operations in Military Strategic Plans reporting to DCDS(MSO). Selected for command, he undertook the twin roles of Commanding Officer HMS RAIDER and Officer in Charge Cambridge University Royal Naval Unit.

SASB1 selection saw command of Minehunters CATTISTOCK, LEDBURY, MIDDLETON, BROCKLESBY and ATHERSTONE, culminating in deployment to the Arabian Gulf for 7 months in July 2015 on OP KIPION with HMS ATHERSTONE.

Undertaking his SASB2 command appointment in 2018 as Commander Sea Training (Mine Warfare and Patrol Vessels) to Flag Officer Sea Training now the Fleet Operational Sea Training organisation.

Commander Jim Masters

Commander’s Representative

Jim Masters is a retired Commander and served from 1983 to 2015.

As a Gunnery Officer he served in a ship with no main gun (Type 22) but consoles himself in the enjoyment of several Type 42s as Fighter Controller and AAWO.  He commanded HM Ships LEEDS CASTLE and MIDDLETON.  His last job was in Operational Policy at Northwood/Main Building.

Since leaving he has been director in a Middle East defence start up and more recently doing business in a number of sectors in Eastern Europe and the Near and Middle East.

Commander Joel Roberts M.B.E

Commander’s Representative.

Joel joined the Navy in 2007 and has spent his entire career in navigation and warfare assignments in Mine Countermeasures Vessels, T23 Frigates, T45 Destroyers, Offshore Patrol Vessels, the UK Carrier Strike Group, and Fleet Operational Standards and Training (FOST) staff. He has previously commanded the Sandown Class minehunters HMS RAMSEY, HMS GRIMSBY and HMS BANGOR, the T23 frigate HMS IRON DUKE, and is presently in Command of HMS SOMERSET.